PE Premium Funding
The Olympic and Paralympic Games Legacy promised all schools an opportunity to inspire the nation to enjoy sport and sustain development with additional funding. The government is determined to secure a significant and lasting legacy with sport and PE occupying a prominent position on the school map- not only to develop children’s enjoyment of sport and physical activity from an early age but also to embed healthy lifestyles. PE and sports participation should be an important part of any school.
St Michael at Bowes has been allocated £19,210 in funding for PE and Sports Premium for the School year 2020/21.
Please click the link below to see how our funding is being spent for this academic year: –
Sports Premium Funding Breakdown 2021/2022
Evidencing the impact of PE and Sport Premium 2020/2021
Evidencing the impact of PE and Sport Premium 2021/2022
Evidencing the impact of PE and Sports Premium 2022/2023
Whole-school Impact:
A shift in mentality: – PE is approached with a positive outlook and children are eager to try and explore new sports. More children are getting involved in clubs, refereeing at lunch times and monitoring PE during lessons and after-school. It has become part of the fabric of the school.
- External Competitions: – We now participate in many more competitions and tournaments year on year. We have won two league titles in Boys and Girls Football and the Borough Girls Football cup this year. We secured runner-up spot in the Netball League, Intermediate Gymnastics Competition, Borough Tennis Tournament and the Boys Football Cup. We have raised the profile of the school by representing Enfield at the London Youth Games 2017 at Crystal Palace. An amazing achievement and honour for the school.
- Diversity of clubs: – We have increased and diversified sports clubs, ensuring that more children are able to participate. We have sustained the provision of Girls Football and Netball and now are able to offer Hockey Club and Tennis Club alongside all pre-existing clubs. All clubs that have been offered in the 2016/17 calendar can be found in the chart and table below.
- Gold Award: – St Michael at Bowes C of E Junior School received the Gold Award from the Sainsbury’s School Games Kite-mark for dedication to provision in competitive sports and games. We hope to sustain our interests in the scheme and continue to provide high-quality sports and games.
Future Aspirations:
Health Promotion– We are looking to really push the message of health and lifestyle in the next wave of funding. We will be offering targeted programs and threading the message of health increasingly into our PE provision and deliver classroom based lessons, parent clinics and assemblies on the importance of a healthy active lifestyle and diet.
Young Leaders– Despite already having young leaders we feel this is an area in which we can unlock more potential from the children. It will hopefully be a self-renewing process in which the outgoing leaders train the new incoming leaders to follow the principles of sports leadership. Children will be become more involved in the organisation of House Cups, playground activities, Fundraisers (Sponsored swim, sponsored skip, Sports Relief) and our annual Sports week (encompassing Sports day). This will empower the children to make decisions and shape the future of sport at the school.
Sports News– In order to strengthen cross-curricular links we would like to regularly update the school on our achievements and provision. A dedicated team of ‘sports journalists’ will be needed to oversee reporting of sports events and news. This will be coordinated by the children and should ensure that all sports, events and news is up-to-date and accessible on all platforms (Db primary- school intranet, School website and School newsletters).
Sports Participation
After-School Club | 2017/18 | 2018/19 | 2019/20 |
Football Team Practice (Y5-6) | 20 | 22 | 22 |
Monday Football Club (Y3-6) | 30 | 35 | 40 |
Dodgeball Club | 15 | 15 | 16 |
Outdoor Sports | n/a | 20 | 25 |
Gymnastics Festival Prep | 16 | 20 | 20 |
Dance Festival Practice | 22 | 15 | 18 |
Netball Team Practice | 30 | 25 | 14 |
Athletics Festival Practice | 24 | 24 | 24 |
Girls Football Training | 16 | 16 | 16 |
Gymnastics and Dance Club | 15 | ||
Hockey Club (new for 2020) | tbc | ||
Gymnasts In-house Comp | 30 | 30 | |
Football In-house Tournament | 30 | 50 | |
Netball in-house Cup | 20 | 20 |