Religious Education
As a Church of England school, we provide religious education and daily collective worship for all pupils and promote their spiritual, moral and cultural development in accordance with the Law.
Our pupils show a strong sense of respect for others’ values and faiths as demonstrated in collective worship, lesson observations and work. Indeed, in June 2014 an OFSTED inspector gave the opinion that “the Christian values of the school breathe through the very bricks of the building.”
In this school Christianity forms the core of what we uphold and teach, and believe it to be evident in the ethos of the school. At the same time, however, we acknowledge and value the multi-faith nature of our community and society. St. Michael at Bowes aims to give its pupils an understanding of the Christian way of life. The school maintains close links with the parish church of St. Michael at Bowes click this link and St Cuthbert’s click this link. Our pupils participate in services at the churches for some of the major Christian festivals, or on special occasions throughout the year. The clergy from both churches lead on collective worship on a regular basis. They support the RE curriculum through Godly Play, support with planning, delivery of lessons and resources as required.
This school has at its foundation the provision of education in accordance with the teaching and doctrine of the Church of England.
As a school we believe worship to be an act of adoration or reverence offered to God for his activities in the world which forms an integral part of our identity and the education provided by this school.
Our RE Curriculum follows the LDBS (London Diocesan Board for School) scheme.
RE statement please click this link
Beatitudes click this link
Collective Worship Policy please click this link.
Spirituality Policy please click this link
For a breakdown of individual year groups’ curriculum map, please click this link /for the intent click this link
SIAMS inspection report 2022 click this link
REQM certificate click this link
For further information, please click this link to view the LDBS website