Religious Services and Events 2018-2019
June 2019
19 children attended ‘The Windrush Food Fest’ at Wolves Lane Horticultural and Garden Centre. This festival commemorated and celebrated the contribution that the Windrush Generation made to the growing and distribution of healthy, nutritious foods in Haringey.
The children had a tour of the 3.5 acre horticulture centre; visits to the tropical Palm House as well as hands on planting and food tasting. They also attended a talk from poet and writer Nefertiti, who was 4 years old when she came to England on the Empire Windrush passenger ship in 1948 and wrote about her first impression of England.
May 2019
April 2019
A wonderful Year 3 Easter production took place at St Cuthbert’s Church today. It was lovely to see so many parents, relatives and friends there. Well done to everyone involved.
March 2019
During collective worship we had a visit from a representative from the Water Aid charity. They spoke to the children about how they could help others less fortunate than themselves. We marked the day with the children wearing blue and the school managed to raise £271.62 for the Water Aid charity.
January 2019
December 2018
Well done to Year 4, they put on a superb performance of “The Nativity Story” at St Cuthbert’s Church. It was lovely to see so many parents/carers, relatives and friends attend. A big thank you to all the staff for their hard work in putting the production together.
Christmas Day at SMAB was another roaring success, thanks to all staff and pupils. Most children braved the cold weather wearing their pyjamas ready for the festivities! We visited “church” for a traditional Christmas service led by Reverend Jones-Parry and ate Christmas dinner together in the hall in our party clothes. In the afternoon, the children watched classic Christmas films, played party games and took part in creative activities.
November 2018
Children in Need and Anti-Bullying Week
Remembrance Day
The children took part in our Remembrance Day collective worship lead by Rev. Jones-Parry were we honoured those who suffered or died in war. We sold poppies for a small donation and all the money raised was sent to the Royal British Legion.
October 2018
We held our annual Family Supper in the school hall. As always it was a great success.Thank you to families who attended and brought food and also to those people who performed during the evening. An extra large thank you to Mrs Lennon and the Global team for organising the evening and all the staff who stayed at school to support. A special thank you to our compares Jakub and Ersilja who did a brilliant job.
Year 3 visited St Michael at Bowes Church for the first time. They learnt about all the different features of a church, including the importance of the Font, the Lectern and the Altar. The children were also given the opportunity to ask Father Engin any questions about the church and the Christian faith.